Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Travel and the Online Student

Hello all,

Once upon a time I was a naive woman entering the uncertain world of online learning.  I thought that since my classroom could travel with me that I could travel whenever I wanted to.  Recently I embarked on a trip to the beautiful island of Jamaica to bury my father.  Now every was going very well as my home had internet access and I could work with ease.  I spent two weeks there and then came time for me to come back home.  I figured since I was returning to the US that I would have no issues making the transition back to my normal schedule, boy was I wrong!!!  The first night back home I got nothing done because both myself and my son were exhausted.

Side Story:  To get to Jamaica on the short notice, I had to fly from Houston to Atlanta and spend the night. I got up early the next morning to fly to Fort Lauderdale, waited for 5 hours on my connecting flight that took me to Kingston, Jamaica.  Did I mention I did all of this with a 14 month old baby???  Well, except for the 5 hour wait time, which dwindled to 1, I did the same thing to ge tback to Houston...ugh!!!

Anyway, after a good nights sleep I woke up the nest day ready to get my work done.  I booted up my computer only to find out that the internet was down.  No problem I thought, I would just call to get it sorted out right? WRONG!  We have Vonage for our home phone and everyone knows that no internet = no vonage!  So here I am with no home phone, no cell phone and no internet on a Monday.  My silver lining came this morning though, since I am here writing this blog...I am back!!! Wish me luck as I struggle to finish all my work, this is the last day of the Kaplan week...yikes!

I'm out of here til now....PEACE!

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