Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Online Learning

Before starting my Kaplan journey, I was very misguided as to the process of online learning.  I was under the impression that since I did not have to get up and drive to class that it would be easy sailing.  My first term did not do much to relieve me of those thoughts, and I continued with false confidence.  My second term got a little harder but since I had my textbooks with me for tests and I only have one live seminar per week I could still bluff my way through.  This term, I figured, "hey, I can take three classes after all how hard can it be?"  Boy was I wrong!!!  My son is older and far more active, I have a full time job and I still have to make time for three classes.  Classes which in an ironic twist of fate are of course more difficult.  I am no quitter though, and I will push through this and be triumphant.  At least at the end of the day I can proudly say, "I did it!"

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