Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Online Learning

Before starting my Kaplan journey, I was very misguided as to the process of online learning.  I was under the impression that since I did not have to get up and drive to class that it would be easy sailing.  My first term did not do much to relieve me of those thoughts, and I continued with false confidence.  My second term got a little harder but since I had my textbooks with me for tests and I only have one live seminar per week I could still bluff my way through.  This term, I figured, "hey, I can take three classes after all how hard can it be?"  Boy was I wrong!!!  My son is older and far more active, I have a full time job and I still have to make time for three classes.  Classes which in an ironic twist of fate are of course more difficult.  I am no quitter though, and I will push through this and be triumphant.  At least at the end of the day I can proudly say, "I did it!"

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Thoughts

I wrote this on September 24, 2009...check it out

I sit by my window lost in thought unsure of what I'm feeling

Today was a failure and yesterday was a disappointment

I am afraid to contemplate my future

I am afraid to face my past

What is the point of opening the window, when I've used up all my doors?

Should I bother keeping the lamp even after the Genie is gone?

I try to understand all the mistakes I have made

I am struggling accept my place in the world I've created

Do I even have a right to lie in my bed of roses?

Is this even my garden? Or am I just trespassing?

I feel like a fish lost in the bowl

Swimming in circles, will I ever realize there is no way out?

It wasn't always this way

Things used to be different

There once was happiness and joy

There was celebration and freedom

Where did the darkness come from?

When did the rain set in?

I can go back and forth with the 'what if' and the 'how'

But I know there's no point, the verdict is in

I have relinquished control

I have given up the reins

I am controlled by a Higher Power now

And He holds my hand

Suddenly the clouds lift

The rain drifts away

My sun has come back

It is a brand new day...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Am I the only one that notices the fact that the more you have to do is the faster the time moves?

Well I tell was one of those days during which time seemed to take on a life of its own.  I woke up at the usual time, but between juggling my son, appointments and school work I feel as if I have been up for days.  As I sit here now preparing for an online seminar, everyone is out of the house and I feel a sense of peace that has eluded me for quite some time.  Every second counts, and time seems to have returned to the pace I've grown to know and love.

I don't know about you but I live for these stolen moments when I can sit, relax and just BE

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Ok, so I have always considered starting a blog but never got around to thanks to school I finally have one...YAY ME!!!

This should be quite interesting and loads of fun...I can't wait to see what is in store for me and my fellow College Composition bloggers...This should be quite the ride.

I do intend to extend my blog beyond school eventually, but for now...b-a-b-y--s-t-e-p-s LOL